This morning along the north wall of the West Lagoon this juvenile Bald Eagle
sat beside my car as we watched an adult (maybe its mom?) nail a gull and carry it off.
As reported earlier by Charlie, there is some good shorebird habitat in the third churning lagoon which has been drained down. Several dozen birds were foraging in the muck, mostly Lesser Yellowlegs, but also a few Semipalmated Plovers, a pair of American Golden-plovers,
a Stilt Sandpiper (here with a yellowlegs),
and some Killdeer. A Pied-billed Grebe was in the West Lagoon, a Horned Grebe in the East Lagoon,
and several Bonaparte's Gulls in various stages of molt in the southeast corner of the East Lagoon.
There were very few birds later at the Lane's Landing marsh; this Leopard Frog hopped beside the trail there.
- Ric