This morning on the Grand Haven North pier 99% of the ice was gone so I could go out to the end where this owl was. Yesterday I had a pair ofKilldeer fly over.
I took a ride down Swanson Road this afternoon, and the flooded fields on the west side south of the Musketawa Trail are filling up with geese and ducks. Along with the hundreds of Canada Geese and Mallards there were several Snow Geese and Greater White-fronted Geese, as well as Northern Pintail and American Wigeon. There were also Sandhill Cranes along the north side of the trail and Red-winged Blackbirds along Moorland Road.
I birded the Grand Haven Channeltoday and found 6 White-winged Scoters and about 100GreaterScaup. Then I went to the Muskegon Channel and there were no waterfowl at all in the channel.
Redheads andRing-necked Ducks
On the way home I stopped at Little Black Lake (east side) and found at least 200 Redheads and a few Ring-necked Ducks.
Carol and I took a quick trip the Wastewater so I could look for a Snow Bunting, ( #61, Ric, not that it matters). We saw at least 50 Horned Larks, 3 Red-tailed Hawks and 1 Cooper's/Sharp-shined Hawk (I couldn't tell which one it was) Same old ducks and geese. What was surprising was no gulls on the dump or the large lagoons.