Friday, September 20, 2019

Rambi Updates

Mike VanderStelt sent a couple more "family photos" and some updated information this week:

September 18:

In a couple weeks Rambi went from his ruffled-up, off-the-rack suit to his Armani with tails.

Sept 19:

I have noticed, as you can see by the pictures, that Rambi's tail feathers have grown probably close to two inches.  Along with that, the whooshing sound when he comes and goes has gotten noticeably louder.  I wonder if it has something to do with moving air from his wings compressing and curling around the tail?  His wings don't look any longer but do look a little more "organized", for a lack of a better word, but not different in size where you would assume they would be compressing more air volume.  Just an observation; whether it warrants any merit is another thing altogether.  LOL

The last few days there has been another Mourning Dove, probably about two to three weeks younger than Rambi, coming in with him every time he visits.  It will go from the branches, to the feeder, to the birdbath, etc, and stay here the whole time Rambi visits me. Sometimes it shows up a little bit after Rambi comes to visit, but it always sits and waits for him.  Has the student become the teacher?   Hmmm.

Sept 20:

Red-tailed Hawk

This un-invited friend has been around for the last four days.  Funny, none of the smaller birds have warmed-up to it.

Also, an adult Mourning Dove landed on my deck yesterday and started foraging while I was sitting out there.  All of a sudden Rambi made his first appearance of the day, coming in like a missile, and attacked the adult, then immediately flew onto my lap.  I guess the deck and myself are "exclusive" Rambi property?  LOL

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Swainson's Thrush, Hoverfly and Rambi

I counted 15 bird species including a Swainson's Thrush at the Hofma Preserve south of Grand Haven this morning.  Also present was this "bee fly?". 


Checking online I've found that this is some form of "hoverfly".  If anyone knows more about them, please comment.  Thanks!

Meanwhile Mike VanderStelt returned from Alaska a couple days ago and wondered if Rambi would still recognize him.  His photo this morning answers the question:

- Ric

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

MCNC Program on Thursday

Disclaimer: All photos recently sighted while preparing the program.

It must be fall as the club meetings resume.  Click here for time and place details.  Hope to see you there! 

- Don Neumann

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Teen-age Rambi

Email:  I have to look twice now if Rambi (see many previous posts) flies in with a friend, but his slightly shorter tail and darker feet still give him away.  - Mike VanderStelt