Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sparrows at Little Black Lake

I spent some time birding the Norton Shores leaf dump on Wood Road.  Along the drain ditch on the south side of the leaf dump I found 6 Fox Sparrows, 10 Song Sparrows and 1 Swamp Sparrow.  I also had a Brown Creeper and Golden-crowned Kinglet.  All these birds were in the first 100 yards of trail.   It took an hour and a half to walk the 100 yards, but I was trying to take pictures.
Charlie DeWitt



Ric said...

Keep taking your time, Charlie; love the pictures!

sissypants said...

Nice pics, Charlie! I could use the Fox Sparrow :-). Not that it matters but Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs were #109 and #110 for this year... (I went to Magee Marsh and got a few non-Michigan yearbirds)