Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bat from September 13 Post Identified

Regarding the bat caught by the Merlin (photo and explanation in Sept. 13 post below), Carolyn Weng writes:
The bat taken by the Merlin was a Silver-haired Bat, an all-black bat named for its silver-tipped back hairs. It is a tree-dwelling bat widely distributed in North America from the tree line in Canada nearly to the southern border of the U.S. They forage in the evening and night eating insects including mosquitoes. (I have often seen them hunting over the marsh and around the park lights at Muskegon State Park). They are solitary except for spring maternity groupings when females cluster in tree holes to give birth. They roost in tree crevices, under tree bark, in woodpecker holes. More northern ones migrate south where winter hibernation is possible. Sources: M.Tuttle, America's Neighborhood Bats.

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