Friday, February 24, 2017

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Problem

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid has now been confirmed at Hoffmaster State Park!  This is bad news.  If you live in the West Michigan area, you might remove any bird feeders from their proximity to Hemlock trees.  For information about a training session next month for volunteers to help monitor hemlocks, see today's post on our homepage.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Ric,
I bumped into a state park ranger at Snug Harbor today, and he was surveying hemlock trees looking for the woody adelgid. He had seen several branches on a few trees at the Lake Michigan campground...I can't recall what he said re Snug area. Se did say that the insects were unusual in that they are most active in the spring. Showed me photos on a flyer he was using. Also that that the private campground at the Elk's Park north of Hoffmaster was totally infected, has been for awhile, and what the trees look like now. Fascinating but unsettling.
Dave Holmberg