Monday, May 16, 2022

Lewis's Woodpecker !

At 2:15 Carol and I were shopping when we got a call from our next door neighbor that a Lewis's Woodpecker had been in her yard, she took its picture (below), and then it flew toward our yard.

We hurried home and from 2:30-2:45 I took these photos as it hawked bugs from the tree behind our house.

Then a Red-winged Blackbird showed up and seemed to scare the woodpecker away.  It's about 3:20 now and I haven't seen the woodpecker since.


Anonymous said...

Hope it comes back and hangs around for a week, please keep us posted on Discord! Thanks!

Ric said...

I'll be sure something appears on Discord in the Muskegon RBA every day until the bird is definitely gone.