Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Regarding Whooping Crane Sightings

April 11 Email:
Thank you for the information about the Whooping Crane that has been being spotted near Spring Lake, Michigan, recently. Could you possibly post the following link on the blog?

This is a USFWS reporting website for  Whooping Crane observations and reports submitted here get automatically sent to a number of people in the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (including myself). We do have a five-year-old male that summers in the Lower Peninsula every year and I would guess that this crane is him, but we also have a handful of others at unknown locations.  We rely totally on outside reports for any birds we have in Michigan  (and we typically don’t get very many of them) so every report is valuable!

Thanks and feel free to let me know if you have any questions!

Eva Szyszkoski
International Crane Foundation
WCEP Tracking Field Manager

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