Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Good Day of Birding Muskegon County

 Ruffed Grouse, Lane's Landing
 Yellow Warbler,  Lane's Landing
 Common Yellowthroat,  Lane's Landing
 Northern Waterthrush south side of Maple River, Muskegon State Game Area.
(Later we went to Patterson Park and found the Louisiana Waterthrush.)
Upland Sandpiper Muskegon County Wastewater

Birded Lane's Landing, Muskegon State Game Area Headquarters, Muskegon County Wastewater, Patterson Park and Black Lake Park.  Found 80 species of birds.

Charlie DeWitt


RichH Photography said...


I know that Ric is out of town but thought you might like to know, a friend reported a cattle egret at the wastewater yesterday. All he would say was that is was at the wastewater but the photo he posted on FB would indicate he was on the rocks around the lagoons.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Rich, I will try to get out. Spent some time at Muskegon Lake Nature Preserve this morning. Had a Blackpoll Warbler, Blue-winged Warbler and a Cerulean Warbler.

Charlie DeWitt