This adult Mourning Dove sat on a branch for at least 45 minutes watching Rambi on my lap and foraging around the deck at my feet. Finally, when Rambi popped up on the deck rail to eat some gravel and get a drink, the adult came down, and they both took about two minutes to eat, then both flew off together. I am just assuming that the adult was a female, as it never made a sound the whole time it was visiting and waiting on the branch. Momma?
The adult, which I am loosely assuming is Momma, came and walked back and forth on the rail of the deck this morning while Rambi was on my lap. After a few minutes, she went down to the deck floor and kept wandering closer and closer to me, then flew up, and almost (within one foot) landed on my knee, then suddenly turned and went back to the deck rail, where she patiently watched for almost half an hour. I assume after that she thought Rambi was okay, and flew off.
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