Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Woodcock Last Night and Probably Earlier

There was an American Woodcock at the Airline Road blueberry patch last night.

Several times in the past two weeks I've driven over to the south section of the patch and listened unsuccessfully for his return.  Last night, a quieter and warmer evening, I walked further onto the property.  After several minutes I barely heard his flight sounds far off to the north.  

From Ellis Road along the north edge of the patch, I heard him better, "peenting" from the ground and "chirping" above.  He's considerably north of his location the last several years, closer to the original field across from my house.  So I don't know when he returned this season; I suspect he's been back awhile and I just didn't hear him until last night.

- Ric

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Had one fly overhead while walking my property yesterday,(Thursday the 26th) evening.