Monday, May 30, 2011

Of Tawas Birds and Predators

Several of us birded the Tawas area over the Memorial Day weekend.  There were lots of birds (providing Feller with a comfortable lead over Charlie, Kathryn and me in the annual race) but two of the more notable events involved mammal predators.
At Nayanquing Marsh we witnessed one of four American Coots suddenly spashing down into the water, flailing with its wings for a couple minutes while its head remained under water, then lifelessly being pulled over to the marsh grasses near shore by the predator which appeared to be a mink (or possibly an otter).  The other coots reacted at first with confusion, then apparent concern (as they approached their flailing comerade), then caution, and soon disinterest as they resumed their foraging.
At Tawas Point on two occasions we saw young foxes, three shown here were frolicking beside the Sandy Hook Trail on Saturday morning.  Charlie had seen five kits earlier in the week at this location.
- Ric

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A couple of years ago I was birdwatching with a group of about twenty people at Tawas St Pk when suddenly a fox walked right into the middle of us all. It walked with us for a little ways before leaving us at the lighthouse gate. We were told later that there were 3 kits born earlier along Sandy Hook Trail. I will never forget the experience!