Saturday, September 22, 2012

Nelson's Sparrow at WW + 51 Species at MLNP

September 22 to Mich-Listers:

"Jonathan Lautenbach just called and has found and photographed a Nelson's Sparrow at Muskegon Wastewater. The bird is in cell D6 (the grassy infiltration basins north of the west lagoon) as of 11:55 a.m. He flushed the bird by walking into the cell and then pishing when it flew. It then sat up for five minutes.

Good birding

Caleb Putnam"

Meanwhile this morning our club's field trip to the Muskegon Lake Nature Preserve was a success not only because the forecast rains never fell but also because the preserve was full of birds with a good variety banded by Brian Johnson  (51 species seen by the 20 participants, scads of Yellow-rumped Warblers flitting through the foliage and into the nets).  Species details and photos on our homepage.

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