Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Geese, Eagles, Gulls and Sapsucker at W.W.

I did my weekly tour at the Muskegon County Wastewater yesterday (Oct 15).  There were large numbers of Canada Geese (2,000 - 3,000).  I did see 3 Cackling Geese.  I got to the Wastewater at 8:00 a.m., and by 8:30 a.m. the geese had left the large lagoons to forage in farm fields.

I saw 3 Bald Eagles. This one had been eating a gull.  The last time I was at the Wastewater, I also noticed an eagle eating a gull.  The gulls must taste like chicken!  :-)

I also found this Yellow-bellied Sapsucker at the Wastewater.  It had a deformed bill but seemed to be healthy with no problem flying.

- Charlie DeWitt


Ric said...

Charlie posted the eagle photo but emailed the sapsucker photo to me in case I didn't want it posted here. Thanks for your concern, Charlie, but I think it's interesting and just one of those quirks of nature. If anyone does have a problem with the posting, it was 100% my decision. Regarding the bird itself, I do not see how it's surviving with that beak, but more power to it!

Andy said...

You might send the photo and observation data to Julie Craves at UofM. I think I recall that she has a database of birds with deformed bills.