Saturday, August 30, 2014

Hudsonian Godwits at Wastewater

I walked along the north side of the West Lagoon at Wastewater this morning looking unsuccessfully for Mike Boston's Black-bellied Plover.

There were few shorebirds of any kind and when Jim Ponshair drove by, he reported the same.  After Jim departed, Tom Beeke drove up and asked if I'd seen the Hudsonian Godwits in the adjacent churning lagoon!

Sure enough, there were two in the northwest section of the drawn-down lagoon (second from the west).  A Northern Harrier flew over, scaring the godwits over to the northeast corner where they settled in with three Stilt Sandpipers!

So, a very good morning!

- Ric


Charlie DeWitt said...

Nice pictures Ric, thanks for the call. The Godwits were still there as of 3:00pm Sat.

Charlie DeWitt

Unknown said...

Will the treatment plant be open for birding tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

It should be as "open" as it is today (Sunday). If office is open, get a day pass. If not, observe common sense rules of not leaving your car in the way, etc. if you're obviously a birder, you should be okay. I have heard that sheriff or State police might ask you to leave the property if you do not have day or year yellow card displayed in windshield. - Ric

Ken Sapkowski said...

Ric, the 3 & 2 photo has to be one of my all-time favorite pics!
As for the yellow pass at the Wastewater, we tend to talk to everybody out there, (and look pretty innocent). We've never had or been asked for a pass or been asked to leave. They seem pretty friendly.

Ken Sapkowski