Sunday, April 19, 2015

Egyptian Geese at Wastewater Saturday

April 19 Email:

Hi Ric,
Mary Poort and I saw these two Egyptian Geese in the grassy cells at Wastewater on Saturday.  As I understand, they are considered escapees and not countable.  However, still cool to see!  Do you know if anyone has seen these around the area before?  Feel free to post this on the nature club's website if you think it's of interest.
Marc Miedema

Occasionally domestic geese show up on the lagoons at the Wastewater.  Several years ago there was one that brought many comments from people seeing it for the first time.  Some of the domestic geese are shown here:

Yours aren't included, but I still suspect that they came from a nearby farm.  Yes, they're interesting, no matter where they came from, and especially if from Egypt!  - Ric

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