Sunday, March 4, 2018

The Migration Is Underway

I was down in Ohio last week with limited time on the computer.  Several people sent me information about Muskegon birds: Greg DeWeerd a light-morph Rough-legged Hawk southeast of Muskegon, Ted Ogren a Great Horned Owl and Northern Shrike on Harbor Island in Grand Haven, Ken Sapkowski waterbirds on the fields near the Musketawa Trail along Swanson Road (see Mike Boston's report below) plus a Killdeer, and this Friday email and photo from Jim Zervos sent from his iPad:

Ric, I was out birding today and found a large raft of mostly Canvasbacks and Greater Scaup on White Lake at the dead end of White Lake Drive.  The most Canvasbacks I have ever seen in one raft.

Fortunately Charlie DeWitt posted the stuff below last week so the site stayed "active".   

At my son's place north of Dayton the robins and vultures were already everywhere and I was able to distinguish his Carolina Chickadees (from the Black-capped's we have up here) with some good views.  

The migration seems underway everywhere!

- Ric

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