Sunday, November 8, 2020

Saturday Morning Birding

I spent a couple hours driving the Wastewater properties yesterday.  I saw two caravans of cars which must have been outstate birding groups.

On the southside fields two Common Ravens crawked and ku-ku-ku'd from a sprinkler rig east of Swanson south of Laketon before flying to the trees along Seba south of Laketon.

Hundreds of Ruddy Ducks and Northern Shovelers plus a few dozen Mallards swam along the south half of the east lagoon.

Driving north on the center dike looking unsuccessfully for the Snow Goose and Snow Buntings reported on Friday, I scared up a young Peregrine Falcon.  It flew north scattering a large group of Herring Gulls and then perched on a pylon along the north side of the east lagoon.

My 22 species also included Red-tailed and Roughleg Hawk, Horned Lark, Eastern Bluebird, American Tree Sparrow, Red-winged Blackbird, and hundreds of other distant ducks and gulls.

- Ric

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