Saturday, March 27, 2021

Good News, Bad News, Good News

I birded Hofma Preserve south of Grand Haven this morning. Approaching the marsh, I thought "GOOD, the water is low enough to get to the boardwalk and the habitat looks dry enough for Sedge Wrens this year."  Even the two boards blocking the boardwalk seemed temporary.

Then I looked left.  What was that "new" boardwalk out on the marsh?

BAD!  That was a section of this boardwalk -- a tenth of a mile from where it belonged, after being torn off by wind, water or ice.  So much for birding this marsh anymore.

But on the walk back to my car, I met a local guy who said the boardwalk was scheduled to be repaired next month!  GOOD!

Even this morning's abbreviated trip produced 16 bird species and two Year Birds: Eastern Phoebe and Ring-necked Duck.

- Ric

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