Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Bald Eagles on Deer Carcass

November 17 Email:

On Monday Bruce Delamarter and I were getting ready to leave the Wastewater and the county sheriff told us about a deer carcass and 4 Bald Eagles eating at it east of the WW off Ravenna Road. We got there and found one immature eating and a mature in a tree about 100 yards away. 

Don Neumann


Ric said...

Great shots, Don -- especially that second photo! I'm assuming the eagles are taking advantage of fresh carrion. Does anyone know of eagles (either Bald or Golden) attacking deer out there?

Ric said...

Jim Zervos and I saw this carcass during Wednesday's CBC. It had several crows on it with a pair of adult Bald Eagles nearby, one of which flew toward the picnic but only to harrass the crows apparently.