Friday, March 9, 2012

Bird #66. But Who's Counting?

Last night I was sure that I'd get my 66th Year Bird by just going over to the blueberry patch and listening for the woodcocks.  Conditions the previous several days had been bad and this year with all the early species they had to be here by the 8th.  But they weren't.  But I got #66 today anyway when a cooperative Pine Siskin shucked some seeds on our side feeder.  Birds!  Unpredictable.
- Ric


sissypants said...

I'm waiting for my year AMWO too... It will come soon (certainly by Thursday)!

My very casual and few birding excursions have given me 81 species so far this year, just in Kent, Muskegon, Ottawa, and Allegan counties. Latest addition was the Golden Eagle at MWS. My brother and I will be birding the wastewater comprehensively tomorrow afternoon, and we'll send in our report (it'll be on eBird immediately).

Keep eBirding, everybody! Every time I head to Muskegon I check the recent eBird sightings to see what you've been seeing where. It's so handy!!

Anonymous said...

you guys must be doing a big year:)

sissypants said...

I'm curious who "Anonymous" is...

No big year of any sort :) I'm at 85 for year now, 69 for month, but have no hope of a Big Year, since I'll be in Europe over May, likely at Cornell (NY) this summer, and taking 18 credits of solid hard science at Hope College this fall. I'm targeting 200+ species this year for Michigan, though!

Ross's Goose in Allegan County was spectacular. It took priority over MWS today: