Saturday, June 6, 2015

Eurasian Wigeon Still at the Wastewater

The Eurasian Wigeon was at the Wastewater on Saturday, 6/6/15, about 7:15 a.m. along the east shore of the east lagoon about 200 yards from the north shore. When last seen, though, it was flying west over the east lagoon. I also saw a Black Tern along the southeast shore of the east lagoon.

- Mike Boston

At 8:00 Mike saw me near the rapid filtration lagoons where I'd photographed Great Blue Heron, Sandhill Crane and Grasshopper Sparrow.  I headed over to the east lagoon but could not re-find the wigeon or the tern.  I did find a pair of Eared Grebe.  - Ric

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