Thursday, July 9, 2015

Broad-winged Hawk Nest and Family

This year the Broad-winged Hawks built their nest ridiculously close to our street.  I didn't want to publicize it until the hatchlings departed.  This week the nest seems to be abandoned, although somebody slept up there Monday night.

Besides chipmunks, the two parents snatched many young robins from our neighborhood.  They successfully raised one youngster, and two if the fledgling with the "Nike swath" under its eye (last photo) is not the same fledgling as in the other two photos.

 June 6: Mom on nest.
June 17: First fledgling visible.

June 18:  Three chicks on the nest.  (Photo by Roger Newell)

June 29:  Hatchling growing its juvenile feathers.

July 4:  First fledgling, side view.

July 4:  First fledgling, back view.

July 7:  Wet fledgling, perhaps Baby One, perhaps Baby Two.

The hawks are still calling regularly, but without the high snag branches of the white oak removed from our backyard last fall, we won't see this year's youngster/s as often as we saw the two last summer.

- Ric

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