Wednesday, May 30, 2018

American Avocet Remains This Morning

 Eared Grebes

 Eared Grebes

 American Avocet

American Avocet

The Eared Grebes and American Avocet were in the west lagoon at the south end of the center dike on the west side at the Wastewater this morning.

- Charlie DeWitt


Ric said...

Charlie, thanks for the photos. After Roger Newell and I left you at the Wastewater, he and I added to our Michigan annual totals. The avocet was my 163rd, Yellow-billed Cuckoo at DNR headquarters #164, and Acadian Flycatcher on the Lost Lake trail at Snug Harbor #165. I know that you have way more that that. If you don't mind, please post your total here sometime. (That is, if you're counting.)

Charlie DeWitt said...

The Avocet was #197 but who is counting.