Sunday, January 23, 2011

Birds at the Wastewater Sunday


Sunday sunshine brought out lots of birds at the Wastewater today (1-23).  Several Short-eared Owls by the R.C. field. They don't really like all the snowmobile traffic!  An Eastern Screech-Owl soaking up some warmth in the barn window to the west. At least 6 Bald Eagles north and south of Apple Ave.  Hawks were just starting to get numerous around 3:00 when I had to depart.

Pictured:  Eastern Screech-Owl (gray morph), a pair of Mute Swans (eyeing me if you look closely), and a Tufted Titmouse at the Administration feeder.

Everyone remember to respect the birds.  Don't get so close as you scare them from their roosts.  They're in the weather 24/7 and need to conserve energy to survive; especially with temps like this weekend.

- Don Neumann

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