Thursday, April 29, 2010

67 Species This Morning; None Remarkable

Feller DeWitt and I birded Lane's Landing, the Maple River west of State Game Area headquarters and the Wastewater this morning recording 66 species without a Mourning Dove!  (We did get a modo on the ride home, so 67 total.)

Of note at Lane's Landing were the Trumpeter Swan appearing once and vocalizing often, one or two Wilson's Snipe flying around the marsh, and two Pied-billed Grebes calling occasionally, sometimes to each other.
Things were quiet at State Game Area headquarters.  We saw two Blue-gray Gnatcatchers along the south river trail and one Greater Yellowlegs on the "snipe field" west of there.
At Wastewater three Lesser Yellowlegs were in one of the small aeration cells south of White Road, as were three Brewer's Blackbirds and at least one Lapland LongspurTree, Barn, Cliff and Bank Swallows were all present.

- Ric Pedler

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