Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Sapsucker in the Hand - Ric Pedler

Our Yellow-bellied Sapsucker showed up April 5, one day earlier than last year.  He usually sticks around for several days, then continues north.

Then yesterday (April 6) Carol noticed he had a lady friend.  Out our back window we watched them chasing each other all around the neighborhood in a wild game of tag.  Suddenly there was a bang! on our front window, and the dazed male was sitting on our front steps.

He didn't want to let go of my fingers when I picked him up, but I was finally able to disengage his toes onto our front fence.  He hung there a few minutes, then came out of his trance and flew to our tulip tree.

We hope he's all right.  Woodpeckers do have hard heads, don't they?

- Ric Pedler

1 comment:

Mike VanderStelt said...

Yep! -- Thats usually what happens when a guy is trying to impress a woman! Did you hear any giggling from the Trees?