Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Birding Lanes, SGA & Wastewater on Monday

A beautiful cold morning yesterday (April 19) produced 53 species and 9 year birds(if anybody's counting):

Swamp Sparrows (#91) were thick at Lane's LandingSandhill Crane and Wild Turkey called from all around the area, the Trumpeter Swan vocalized twice and Blue-winged Teal mostly in pairs gave good views.  The Maple River west of State Game Area headquarters produced White-throated Sparrow (white-striped and tan-striped), Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Yellow-rumped Warbler and two species of shorebird on the "snipe" field: 5 Greater Yellowlegs and 8 Wilson's Snipe (plus 1 farm tractor tilling the area).  I heard but never saw Field Sparrow south of the headquarters buildings.  I dipped on grebes at the Wastewater, but saw and heard Savannah Sparrows around the small D6 and D5 cells, an Upland Sandpiper west of the Laketon-Swanson airport, and a male Northern Harrier in that same area.  On my way home an adult Broad-winged Hawk (#99)soared over Maple Island Road north of Heights-Ravenna.

- Ric Pedler

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