Monday, May 31, 2010

More Hummingbirds, and Northern Flicker


I shot the male Ruby-throated Hunmmingbird Sunday with a slower shutter to get some more "motion blur" but got more than I wanted, although I like the shot and hope you enjoy it also. The female was (as was the male) early in the morning with the sun at her back, and a faster shutter.

I also got this Northern Flicker later in the day.

Mike VanderStelt

Friday, May 28, 2010

Big Day (May 22) Photos - Charlie DeWitt

Ric, I know it is a little late, but here are some pictures from Big Day (May 22).  The first picture is your car coming down the hill to Lane's Landing.  The last picture is the Black-bellied Plovers and Dunlin at Wastewater.

- Charlie DeWitt

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Western Meadowlark - Oceana County

To Mich-Chat:

Curtis Dykstra just called (9 AM, 27 May 2010) with a singing Western Meadowlark in a field northeast of the intersection of Flower Rd and 64th Ave in far southwestern Oceana County. This location is just north of the Muskegon County line and approx. 3 miles east of Lake Michigan.

Good Birding,
Caleb Putnam

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Got this shot of a male Ruby-throated Hummingbird Tuesday night about 10:00 p.m. from about 30 feet.

If it hadn't flown about 5 feet in front of me before it landed, I would have never seen him.

- Mike VanderStelt

Peregrines at Cobb Plant

Thanks to Randy Young's email and Dennis McKee's message and photos from the Consumers Power B.C. Cobb Plant regarding the Peregrine Falcons on the smokestack there:

"Today we tried to put US Fish and Wildlife leg bands on the peregrine falcons that nest in the plant's artificial nest box.  Actually, I mostly shoo away the overly-aggressive-and-protective parents while the two wildlife biologists from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment handle the chicks.  . . . This attempt, the four chicks were too small to band.  So, we'll try again in two weeks.

"The mother has leg bands from Michigan -- you can tell from this shot because she has a black and green band on her left leg.  A "W" is clear, but we can't see any other numbers in these shots -- nor can we see the imprint on the US Fish and Wildlife Service purple band on her right leg.  When I get a better shot, we'll know where she was born and when."


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Big Day Count

On Saturday May 22 a core group of six birders with help from 11 others along the way counted (unofficially) 127 species of birds on our annual Big Day Count from before 5:00 a.m. until after 9:00 p.m. at Lane's Landing, State Game Area, Wastewater, Muskegon Lake Nature Preserve and Muskegon State Park.  Details will be posted later.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ruddy Turnstone

This Ruddy Turnstone was near the Northwest corner of the West Lagoon at the Wastewater this evening
(May 20).
- Mike Boston

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sedge Wrens, etc. at Hofma Preserve

On a walk through Hofma Preserve south of Grand Haven this morning I added five Year Birds: 131 Eastern Wood-Pewee, 132 Sedge Wren, 133 Eastern Kingbird, 134 Red-eyed Vireo and 135 Sora.  (The numbers are for Charlie, Kathryn and Feller to laugh at.)  At least three (but probably six or seven) sedge wrens were calling mostly from west of the boardwalk, occasionally from perches, but more often hidden in the grassy foliage and often making short low flights over the area.  No marsh wrens.  Lotsa Swamp Sparrows.  Consistently excellent views of both male and female Common Yellowthroats in the foliage all along the boardwalk and a friendly Wood Thrush foraging like a robin in the wooded path leading from the parking lot to the marsh.

- Ric

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Female Wood Duck

I got this in a female Wood Duck sitting in a Tree in the back yard --- Yes, Mike B., I know the branch is in the way -- and Charlie, note that I used a "more natural" stuffing material this time for that truly realistic look  :)

- Mike VanderStelt

Monday, May 17, 2010

Osprey at Muskegon State Park

Bruce Delamarter phoned that he saw an Osprey flying above the trees southwest of the Snug Harbor parking lot at Muskegon State Park this morning

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Shorebirds and Bird's-foot Violet at Wastewater

Yesterday afternoon (May 11) while looking for wildflowers, I took a quick spin around the Rapid Infiltration ponds at the Wastewater. I found Dunlin and Greater Yellowlegs. There were some other small sandpipers in the area that I could not identify. For me the most interesting find was 6 Lapland Longspurs in Cell E4. I did find some nice Bird's-foot Violet on the north side of the Wastewater.

- Charlie DeWitt

North American Migration Count - Muskegon State Game Area - May 8

A hectic weekend, a busted computer, and a trip back to Pennsylvania prevented me from posting my results from the North American Migration Count until today. But despite the cold, rainy, and windy weather, I had a very enjoyable day on Saturday (May 8). When I woke early that morning and saw that the current weather was lousy but the daily forecast held some promise, I decided to take my time getting into the field. Since initiating coverage at Lanes Landing and the surrounding areas in the Muskegon State Game Area, I have followed the same general route for the sake of consistency. However, my precise course and pacing is dictated by weather and bird activity. The nasty weather suppressed visible activity, especially in the more open areas, so I concentrated on the denser areas and spent more time off trail than usual.

Warblers were particularly cooperative. While later species, such as Mourning, Wilson's, and Canada, had apparently not arrived, I did well otherwise. I found 20 species, with 2 Golden-winged Warblers, 1 Orange-crowned Warbler, 1 Northern Parula, 1 Blackpoll Warbler and 3 Prothonotary Warblers being among the best. At one point I had a distant Cerulean Warbler oddly varying its song structure. The primary songs of Cerulean and Black-throated Blue, and the alternate song of Northern Parula, sound quite similar. This bird alternately sounded like a Black-throated Blue and a Cerulean, so I had to investigate. What I found were individuals of both species (!) both singing at a casual rate in close proximity to each other.

I had one Red-eyed Vireo (most arrive later), and my count of Blue-headed Vireos (4) was my best yet for the NAMC. Apparent breeders that nest more commonly northward included Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Red-breasted Nuthatch and Brown Creeper. While I missed Hermit (too late?) and Swainson's (too early?), I did get Wood Thrush and Veery. The one Veery was silent, and the Wood Thrushes did not sing until the evening. I did hear one drumming Ruffed Grouse.

I encountered 10 species of sparrows, with Grasshopper and Lincoln's being the most notable. Due to the early date, my tally of White-throated Sparrows was my highest yet for the NAMC. Most later arrivals, such as Willow, Alder, and Olive-sided Flycatchers and Eastern Wood-Pewee, were absent (thus, my flycatcher count was restricted to four species), as was Sedge Wren, but I did have Black-billed Cuckoo and Common Nighthawk. Virginia Rail and Sora were calling, but did not find either bittern. Solitary Sandpipers were at Lanes Landing and at the Walleye Pond. Perhaps my most interesting find was a Purple Finch at Lanes Landing.

With the winds dying in the evening, nocturnal birds became quite vocal. I had 6 American Woodcock, 2 Whip-poor-wills and 2 Barred Owls. My final species was Eastern Screech-Owl.

There is no question that the poor weather restricted bird activity and vocalization. My tally of individual birds was the lowest in the four years we have done the Muskegon NAMC. However, birding in section was anything but lousy, as my species count this year (109) was my second highest.

By the way, I had no adventures with white rabbits this year, and Lucky (who I captured under flashlight after I completed the count last year) is very much enjoying life with my nephew.

- Brian Johnson

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Jill's Notable NAMC Sightings Saturday

Hi Ric,

A few highlights from the White Lake area North American Migration Count on Saturday (May 8) include 2 Osprey near the White River mouth, Northern Waterthrush, Warbling Vireo and Swainson's Thrush at the Montague boat launch, and 3 Red-headed Woodpeckers and 13 Caspian Terns at the White Lake Channel

Hoping to see you all for Big Day!

- Jill Henemyer

Saturday, May 8, 2010


I saw this male Bobolink at the Wastewater today (May 8) near the Administration building.

- Mike Boston

Lotsa Birds on NAMC Despite Wind & Rain

I birded two locations on the North American Migration Count this morning.  Among the 33 identifiable species at the Muskegon Lake Nature Preserve were 30 Red-winged Blackbirds, 3 Baltimore Orioles, 3 White-throated Sparrows, 1 Brown Thrasher, 1 Warbling Vireo, 1 Swainson's Thrush, 1 Ovenbird, 1 Belted Kingfisher and 1 Spotted Sandpiper.  Along Black Creek in Fruitport Township the 32 species included 6 White-throated Sparrows, 3 House Wrens, 2 Baltimore Orioles, 2 male and 1 female Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, 1 Palm Warbler, 1 Wood Thrush, 2 Ovenbirds and 1 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.

If we hear any particulars from Brian, Feller, Charlie, Carolyn, John, etc. from the other NAMC locations, we'll post those here, and when all of the Muskegon NAMC results are tabulated sometime in the future by Brian Johnson, we'll post those either here or on the homepage.

- Ric 

Just a few from today

Northern Cardinal, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Hairy Woodpecker, Downy Woodpecker and Horned Lark. 

- Mike VanderStelt

Friday, May 7, 2010

Baltimore or Orchard?

This was the first Oriole I've had this year, not quite sure which kind it is.

Mich-Listers Wastewater Report

Thu, May 6, 2010 10:02:06 PM[Mich-listers]
MWS Shorebirds; Muskegon County
Stephen Minard
Took a quick evening trip over to the Muskegon Wastewater.  In the rocks on the north side of the east lagoon were 13 Wilson's Phalaropes just east of the center dike.  On the north end of the center dike were 5 Lesser Yellowlegs, 1 Greater Yellowlegs, and 3 Killdeer.  While driving the north side of the west lagoon I spotted a line of shorebirds flying northeast.  In the glasses they were 32 Willets.  Also along the north side of the west lagoon were 2 Eared Grebes, one of the them picking midges off the surface of the water.  Back at the center dike just north of the barrier was another Willet sitting on the rocks on the west side of the center dike.  Note that the center dike is closed for the nesting gulls south of this barrier.  Swinging back around the north side of the east lagoon, there were now 24 Wilson's Phalaropes swimming out on the water, and picking midges off the surface.  It was a fun evening.

Good Birding,

Steve Minard
Grand Rapids

The Birds Are Here!

Feller and Charlie DeWitt and I met at Lane's Landing yesterday morning (May 6) for a brief hour of birding.  Even in that small amount of time it was obvious that the late migrants are in the area.  We counted 40 species of birds including Common Yellowthroat, Gray Catbird, Yellow Warbler, Yellow-throated Vireo, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Scarlet Tanager, Warbling Vireo, Least Flycatcher, American Redstart, Northern Waterthrush and Great Crested Flycatcher.  We could not find the Prothonotary Warbler reported by George Wickstrom and others on Wednesday (May 5).

- Ric Pedler

Five Photos from Don Neumann

I had a little time Wednesday evening (May 5) and went through the Wastewaster. These shots of Ruddy Duck, Eared Grebe, Northern Shoveler and Bonaparte's Gulls are from the west lagoon.  The Magnolia Warbler was at Snug Harbor yesterday morning (May 6).

- Don Neumann

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Oriole Arrives - Ric's Backyard

For the last several years our backyard Baltimore Orioles have been arriving earlier and earlier, our earliest being last year (April 27, 2009).  But today (May 4, 2010) we saw our first one, a male.

Ric & Carol Pedler

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Lane's Landing Trumpeter Swan

Hi Ric,
I saw this swan at Lane's Landing yesterday (May 2).  It sure looks like a Trumpeter to me, what do you think?
Mike Boston

Yes, it's the Trumpeter.  He was very vocal a couple days ago when Feller and I were there, but we only saw him once at a distance.  Great shot of him "up close and personal".  Dunno what the deal is with his neck; maybe somebody else will tell us.
- Ric Pedler

Yellow-headed Blackbird & Greater White-fronted Goose

"I had a young male Yellow-headed Blackbird and a Greater White-fronted Goose at the Wastewater yesterday (May 2).  The blackbird was hanging out with a mixed species flock of Brewer's and Red-winged Blackbirds, starlings and cowbirds in the field cells north of the West Lagoon.  The goose was in the open cell that is just to the east of the easternmost aeration cells that are north of the West Lagoon."  (See Mike Boston photo below).

Jon Vande Kopple.

Ruddy Ducks from Sherri Lockard

Ruddy Ducks at Muskegon Wastewater (May 1, 2010).

Sherri Lockard

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Greater White-fronted Goose

This Greater White-fronted Goose was at the Wastewater on Sunday (May 2) in the small eastern cell.

- Mike Boston

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Hoffmaster Bird Walk Produces New Year Birds

On a Nature Walk at Hoffmaster State Park this morning I recorded five new year birds, four identifiable down to species: Black-throated Green Warbler, Ovenbird, Empidonax flycatcher, Gray Catbird and Wood Thrush.

- Ric Pedler 