Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sedge Wrens, etc. at Hofma Preserve

On a walk through Hofma Preserve south of Grand Haven this morning I added five Year Birds: 131 Eastern Wood-Pewee, 132 Sedge Wren, 133 Eastern Kingbird, 134 Red-eyed Vireo and 135 Sora.  (The numbers are for Charlie, Kathryn and Feller to laugh at.)  At least three (but probably six or seven) sedge wrens were calling mostly from west of the boardwalk, occasionally from perches, but more often hidden in the grassy foliage and often making short low flights over the area.  No marsh wrens.  Lotsa Swamp Sparrows.  Consistently excellent views of both male and female Common Yellowthroats in the foliage all along the boardwalk and a friendly Wood Thrush foraging like a robin in the wooded path leading from the parking lot to the marsh.

- Ric

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