Friday, May 7, 2010

Mich-Listers Wastewater Report

Thu, May 6, 2010 10:02:06 PM[Mich-listers]
MWS Shorebirds; Muskegon County
Stephen Minard
Took a quick evening trip over to the Muskegon Wastewater.  In the rocks on the north side of the east lagoon were 13 Wilson's Phalaropes just east of the center dike.  On the north end of the center dike were 5 Lesser Yellowlegs, 1 Greater Yellowlegs, and 3 Killdeer.  While driving the north side of the west lagoon I spotted a line of shorebirds flying northeast.  In the glasses they were 32 Willets.  Also along the north side of the west lagoon were 2 Eared Grebes, one of the them picking midges off the surface of the water.  Back at the center dike just north of the barrier was another Willet sitting on the rocks on the west side of the center dike.  Note that the center dike is closed for the nesting gulls south of this barrier.  Swinging back around the north side of the east lagoon, there were now 24 Wilson's Phalaropes swimming out on the water, and picking midges off the surface.  It was a fun evening.

Good Birding,

Steve Minard
Grand Rapids

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