Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Ruff Reported All Day Tuesday

There have been several Mich-lister reports of the Ruff still at the Wastewater well into the afternoon today in the same general area as the previous post.  It has traded its Lesser Yellowlegs friends from this morning for its Pectoral Sandpiper friends from yesterday.


Anonymous said...

Rapid infiltration cell r2? The cells are numbered? Any better directions?

Ric said...

There are five sections of RI cells along the entrance road from Maple Island Road east to the driveway with the sewage truck weighing scales. The sections are lettered A-E from west to east with large north-south ditches separating the five sections. Section A is the small one near the entrance with only 3 cells. Sections B-D are identically-shaped large rectangles. Facing south if seen from above they each have 12 cells in them (2 columns of 6) numbered left-to-right-and-down 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12. Section E is mis-shapen because of the bend in the entrance road and has only 9 cells. Each of the five sections has a north-south roadway separating the odd-numbered cells from the even-numbered cells. These identifiers are on the little boxes along those roadways. They're hard to read, but when you're beside the boxes, you can read them. So when you read C-6 or B-9, you pretty well know where you are. The Wastewater people prefer that you drive only on these roadways with the boxes, not on the ones along the edges of the ditches, and not on anything going east-west through the RI sections even if it looks driveable. Driving around the perimeter of the RI sections is fine.

Phil said...

Hey Ric,
I saw the bird at about 4:30 this (Wednesday) afternoon for about 35 minutes -- & I was concerned about birders' behavior. As I arrived, a photographer approached too close to the bird & flushed it. I did not get to see the bird for another 45 minutes. There were birders crawling all over the place, & using all of the roads. Several moved their cars without waiting for the bird to calm or settle, encroaching on its space, & without regard for other birders. I observed the bird twice in E3, & also saw him spooked when a truck went by. Hoping that birders will give the bird more space so he can stick around a while!!

Ric said...

Yes, a bit like when Snowy Owls are out there. It's a fine line and there's no law involved, but it would be good if people used some common sense.