Friday, May 18, 2012

Today's Hanging Owlet Adventure

Dan and Sherri Lockard have been monitoring a Great Horned Owl nest this year.  The first five photos below are by Dan from earlier in the season.  The last three are by Sherri today when one of the owlets "decided it wanted to be a bat" as only Sherri was present.  The bird found itself hanging upside down without being able (or wanting) to let go for a long, long time; so long that Sherri phoned for help in extricating it from its predicament.
Despite many phone calls, no one with expertise in owl extractions was available.  Sherri was able to contact Susan Stamy of Braveheart Raptor Rehabilitation who told her how to recover the bird if it fell to the ground IF she wanted to attempt it (please notice the talons on the adult owl for why you might not want to attempt this, even with a baby raptor).
Sherri went to get a box and blanket as per Susan's instructions, and when she returned the owlet was on the ground but still in distress.  Sherri was able to throw the blanket over the bird, box it, and take it to Susan.
Prognosis this afternoon was that she (the baby owl) has something wrong with her hip and based on the amount of downy feathers she's still wearing, perhaps other problems as well.  If she can be re-habbed, Susan and the Lockards will release her back to the area near the nest.

( The exact location of the nest will remain private. )


RichH Photography said...

Great job Sherry in rescuing this young bird and great photos Dan!

Mike VanderStelt said...

Great job Sherri!
Ric called me, and I got there about 15min. after you had left. It's lucky you were there, as it probably wouldn't have lasted too long on the ground. I stopped to visit it, as it was on my way home -- she sure is cute! And of course, (as most Females do) when I looked at it, it hissed at me ;) I sure hope it all comes out good for the little thing, it can't be in better hands than it is right now! And THANKS -- both of you for keeping it's location private.

Dan Lockard said...

From Braveheart Raptor Rehabilitation Center: The youngster has suffered trauma to his left hock, which is the first joint in there leg, like our ankle would be. There is also soft tissue swelling. Time and small caging and hope that he heals. The good news, no fractures found.

Muskegon photographer said...

Hello :-) nice pictures! I take pictures for Muskegon County that are used in several different advertising and promotional materials. I would love to be able to take a few pictures if it was possible. You can contact me by clicking on my name above. Thank you :-)