Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Snowy Mouse-catching Behavior

January 11 Email:

I was out shooting Snowy Owls with Don, and several other photographers today.  I told them about a Snowy Owl experience on Monday.  I got to the W/W early, before the sun came up, and parked near a field that the mostly white snowy owl has been seen at recently.  As the sun came up the owl was hunting the field right in front of me and at one point landed in the water flooding into the field to catch a mouse.  He landed in this field several times capturing and eating several mice that I assume were being washed out of their burrows since that field had been dry for several weeks and the water must have been turned on in that field at some point in the night.  After he caught the mice, he would hold them under the water for several seconds before he flew off to a spot in the grass where he would swallow the mice whole.  Here is a photo that I took as he landed in the water right in front of me.
Rick Hamlin

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