Ric, here's the shot you wanted.
- Mike VanderStelt
Mike is referring to my comment (two posts below) about sending us a photo of the banded Bald Eagles at the Wastewater even if it's slightly out of focus and thus subject to criticism from his "peanut gallery". I only wish I could take "out of focus" pictures like this! - Ric
Ric, here's the shot you wanted.
- Mike VanderStelt
Mike is referring to my comment (two posts below) about sending us a photo of the banded Bald Eagles at the Wastewater even if it's slightly out of focus and thus subject to criticism from his "peanut gallery". I only wish I could take "out of focus" pictures like this! - Ric
I thought it was somewhat odd for them both to be banded as the size difference distinguished them as male/female, and the odds of 2 banded birds being mates were (I thought) somewhat slim. Unless they're siblings that just stayed together through adulthood and were banded as nestlings. There - of course - is the 3rd option! which for tact's sake, we'll call the "Tennesee Hills" effect, which in that case we would have to get a look at the future children -- eeew! :)
Mike is something wrong with this "Fuzzy Picture"? Maybe I just need my glasses checked! :-)
SWEET PICTURE! I love seeing the picture when you click on it - the eyes and beak are brilliant!
Thanks for the great shot!
It could be the pair from Snug Harbor as they have not been seen out there (state park) in at least 3 days and they are both banded. I think you're just holding back the great shots til your April slideshow, or is that song and dance night...
I don't understand it Charlie! This shot is RAZOR sharp -- maybe you're having a problem with your 1975 14in. Gateway Monitor? Jeff -- Thank you for the comments, unlike the previuos person mentioned, YOU are a "class act" :) Donald, I didn't realize the Snug Harbor adults were banded, well, now I know. Unfortunatly, we will only see them out there 1 more time, as the City of North Muskegon only gives 2 dump passes a year, then again, they might not be the same Eagles because if you look closely at the picture, I don't see any State Park sticker on either Bird! (I know -- why didn't you think of that!)
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